“See that building over there, my Grandfather was born there in 19-dickity-two! And see that building across the road, that’s where he died 93 years later.”
The buildings where key moments in life occur, like births and deaths, are remembered and noted for a host of different reasons and become a key part of our family stories. The building we are born in is even recorded on our birth certificate!
At the end stages of someone’s life, in times of grief and sorrow, often etched into our memories is the built environment - the colour of the walls, what direction the window was facing, what sort of view was out the window - and how that can contribute to the overall comfort of someone’s loved ones in such trying times.
From a planning and design perspective, it is a great responsibility to effectively create facilities that will be recorded and remembered in communities and families for generations to
to come. Many significant practical elements come into play as well - size and space of the rooms, technical and technological capabilities, aspects of natural light and the gardens and surrounds.
Recently here at Gideon Town Planning (GTP), we have been involved in the development of a similarly themed building here in Rockhampton - the Fitzroy Community Hospice. The hospice
is a much needed facility given 70% of people say they would prefer to be cared for and die comfortably at home, but less than 10% of Australians actually die at home each year. No local facilities exist within our region, with all eight hospice facilities located in South East Queensland.
The facility will be a family friendly home-like environment and also provide an out-reach program for which nursing services will go into the community to support and care for patients in their homes.
At GTP, we are proud to work on projects that benefit the local community and deliver essential services to our region. Are you a health care provider planning a similar project to service your community? Contact GTP on 0402 066 532 today.