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Major Amendment to the Rockhampton Region Planning Scheme Planning Act 2016

You may be aware that the Major Amendment to the Rockhampton Regional Planning Scheme, is now in the public consultation period until COB Friday 17thMay 2019. The Major Amendment and all relevant supporting information / links can be found on Council’s Engagement website, via the link below:

The Major Amendment includes:

  • New mapping and provisions for residential and commercial character buildings;

  • Updated flood mapping to include revised hazard categories (Fitzroy River Flood) and areas protected by temporary levees (North Rockhampton Flood Management Area);

  • Updating mapping and provisions to reflect changes to State Planning Policy mapping;

  • Introduction of Fitzroy River accommodation precinct and Fitzroy River industry precinct along Quay Street (between Stanley Street and Arthur Street) to allow for fishing and boating related activities and short-term accommodation;

  • Introduction of the Kershaw Gardens precinct;

  • Provisions related to office activities within the Principle Centre Zone - Quay Street precinct have been updated to allow office accommodation at the ground floor level along Quay Lane;

  • The High Density Residential Zone levels of assessment have been reduced to enable the conversion of existing buildings (such as apartments) to become short-term accommodation, retirement villages, rooming accommodation etc.

  • New provisions in residential zones to allow limited short-term accommodation land use activities when reusing existing dwellings;

  • Revised provisions and levels of assessment for advertising devises including changes to digital signage requirements;

  • Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) principles have been introduced into development codes and planning scheme policies; and

  • Administrative updates and changes.

We will be having a look through the changes to determine whether there is anything in here that is likely to affect (positively or negatively) future endeavours, or those of our clients and associates. Please contact us on 0402 066 532 if you have any questions.



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